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Portuguese Society of Motion Picture and Television Cinematography                                 Founded in 1998


First Statutes - Registered by deed in 1998

Published in Diário da República. Nº 165/98 
Monday, July 20th 1998

New Statutes approved in 2020



1- The non-profit Society adopts the denomination “ASSOCIAÇÃO DE IMAGEM CINEMA E TELEVISÃO PORTUGUESA“ (Portuguese Society of Motion Picture and Television Cinematography)
2. The Society is headquartered at TRAVESSA DO FIGUEIREDO Nº10 R/C DTº 1400- 156 LISBOA.


Time Period
The Society is constituted for undetermined time.


Goals of the Society
As a cultural and professional association, the goals of the Society are the promotion and dissemination of Portuguese cinema nationally and internationally congregating and defending the artistic and professional interests of cinematographers.


1 - To pursue its goals, the society will carry all activities deemed adequate, namely sharing information, organizing technical skill courses, handing out awards, publications, production of institutional videos related to the promotion of its members.
2 - The Society will foster relationships with governmental and intergovernmental agencies, national and foreign, when it relates to its goals.
3 - The Society may collaborate, cooperate, affiliate ou integrate with institutions, national or foreign, that don’t pursue goals contrary to its own.


1. The Society will be comprised of effective, honorary, benefactor and associate members.
2. Any Cinematography technician, Portuguese or foreign, may become an effective member.
3. Any economical or financial contributor to regular activities of the Society may become a benefactor member.

4. Those who display a remarkable professional career, and whose notoriety proves an added value to the Society, may become an Honorary member.

5. Any professionals working in Cinematography may become associated members, namely camera assistants, colorists, lab technicians, Digital Image Technician, Image Control Operators and equipment technicians.

1. Admission as an effective or associated member is by invitation of the board of directors in accordance with article 5.

2. Any cinematography professional described in article 5 who is not invited by the board of directors may petition for admission.

3. Acceptance as a member is issued by the admissions committee.

4. The admissions committee is created by the board of directors and is comprised of at least three members who carry the honorary post-nominal title “AIP”.

5. Foreign individuals who don’t live in Portugal must present their resume for the committee’s review, including a body of work that is relevant in the national context.

6. Admission requirements are: resume as well as other audiovisual elements for the committee’s appraisal. Also required is the filling of a current admission form. And identifying elements, such as address, and national identification card, or resident card.

7. Any admission denial by the committee can be reviewed by general assembly. A denied candidate may request of the board of directors that such denial be reviewed during General Assembly, and their application appraised. The decision by the General Assembly is final and absolute.

8. Benefactor and Honorary members are determined by choice of the current board of directors.

Member Rights
1. Effective members have the following rights:
a) Participation and voting rights in General Assembly;
b) To elect or be elected to the Society’s           different bodies;
c) To participate in the Society’s activities;
d) To propose initiatives to the board of directors deemed adequate or well suited to the Society’s goals.
2. The exercise of such rights is predicated on the timely payment of the effective member dues.
3. Associated, benefactor and honorary members have the rights expressed in line c) of number 1.

Duties of its Members
1. Effective members are bound by the following duties:
a) Follow the statutes, regulations and deliberations of the bodies of the Society;
b) Participate in the General Assembly meetings;
c) Serve in the role one was elected or designated to, unless precedent reason exempts them;
d) Contribute to the Society pursuant to its goals;

e) Settle dues timely;
2. Associated, benefactor and honorary members have the duties expressed in line d) of number 1.

1. The cost of the annual dues owed by each effective members will be set by the board of directors in charge at the time and approved in general assembly.

2. The cost of the annual dues owed by associated members will be of 50% or less that of the effective member as proposed by the board of directors and approved in general assembly.

3. Honorary members are exempt of any dues.

4. Payment shall be made annually in January of the year in question.

5. The board of directors has the right to evaluate specific situations and establish the need for exemption of payment of dues by a member or members only in the following circumstances:

a) Verified economic hardship.

b) Health related issues.

c) Temporary relocation for studying for a period no shorter than one year.



1. A members that, for fault of their own, violates the Statutes, regulations of deliberations of the bodies of government, incurs the following sanctions:
a) Reprimand;
b) Fine;
c) Suspension of member rights;
d) Exclusion.
2. The sanction of suspension of member rights will be of one to two years depending on the degree of seriousness and responsibility.
3. The enforcement of the sanctions is a responsibility of the board of directors, decided by a simple majority vote, except for Exclusion, which is reserved for the general assembly, once brought forth by the board of directors.
4. With exception for number 6), the enforcement of any sanction shall be preceded by a disciplinary process, during which the defendant will have all the rights to a defense, namely the presence of an audience.
5. Some or all member rights might be revoked as part of sanctions, but never for a period longer than one year.
6. Violating article 8, line e) for a period of two years or longer incurs in Exclusion of the members, unless such member, notified for the effect, settles the unpaid dues in the immediate 30 days following.
7. Violation of article 8, line e) for one year will incur in the removal of the member’s name in the Society’s portal and any media participation, unless such member, notified for the effect, settles the unpaid dues in the immediate 30 days following.
8. The existence of a disciplinary process or the issuing of sanctions does not exempt a member from its duties, nor of possible compensation to the Society for damages incurred.

9. A fine sanction will be between one hundred and two hundred euros, depending on the degree of seriousness and responsibility.
10. Suspension of member rights shall not exceed one year.

11. Any written sanction to a member must be made public to the other members through internal channels of communication.


Loss of membership status 
1. Loss of member status will incur to:

a) Members who submit their exoneration;
b) Members sanctioned with exclusion;
2. Members who lose membership status are not exempt from any dues related to the period during which they were active members;
3. Readmission of a member excluded under line 6, article 10, will require:

a) Payment of any past dues.
b) A 2 year period after the loss of membership status.

c) Approval by simple majority vote in general assembly.

Bodies of government

General Assembly, Board of Directors and Financial Committee are the bodies of the Society.


General Assembly
General Assembly is the highest body of government and it’s comprised of all effective members in good standing.

General Assembly responsibilities
The General Assembly solely holds the following responsibilities:
a) Define the guidelines of the Society;
b) Elect and dismiss the bodies of government;
c) Appraise and vote, yearly, on budget reports as well as the budget for the following year.
d) Decide on matters related to any statute changes or the dissolution of the Society.


General Assembly Committee
1. The General Assembly Committee is comprised of one President, one Secretary and one voting member.
2. The General Assembly Committee must:
a) Summon, direct and organize the agenda, with the President’s vote as a tiebreaker in case of a draw;
b) Assign possession of roles in the bodies of government.


General Assembly Meetings
1. The General Assembly meets in regular scheduled sessions as well as special sessions.

2. Regular scheduled meetings shall occur:
a) Once every year, to decide on matters expressed in line c) of article 14;
b) Every three years, to vote on new bodies of government.
3. Special sessions as expressed in number 20 of article 17;


Summoning of General Assembly Meetings
1. General Assembly Meetings are summoned by the board of directors.
2. A General Assembly Meeting may also be requested by a group of members greater than one fifth of all effective members in good standing.
3. In the case mentioned in the previous number, the President of the General Assembly Committee shall summon the meeting within 30 days at the most, from the day the request is made.
4. In the instance of the board of directors not summoning a General Assembly meeting in cases when they should, effective members are not allowed to request a summons.
5. A General Assembly Meeting is summoned via electronic message, indicating the day, time and agenda, sent to each effective member, at least fifteen days in advance.

6. A General Assembly Meeting can take place in person or remotely, via internet.


1- The General Assembly requires at least half of all effective members in good standing present or represented to deliberate on matters.
2 - In the absence of a quorom, the General Assembly may deliberate one hour later, with any number of effective members present, as long as such is reflected in the summons.
3 - Decisions in the General Assembly are reached by simple majority vote of all present members who hold a right to vote, with exception for cases where the law says otherwise, namely in numbers 3 and 4 of article 175 of the civil code.
4 - It’s permissible for members to voluntarily represent other members in Meetings of the Assembly General, but each members can represent only one other member.
5 - For voting in the bodies of government, members may vote electronically, via message directed to the President of the General Assembly Committee at a predefined date.


Meeting Minutes
1. General Assembly Meetings shall be recorded in Minutes, which must include the following:
a) Type of assembly;
b) Place, date and time;
c) Name of the members forming the Meeting Committee;
d) Name of all members present or represented;
e) Agenda Items;
f) Documents and reports submitted to the Assembly;
g) Content of deliberations and decisions taken;
h) Results of votes;
i) Statements made by members, if so required.

2. The Minutes are written and signed by the president of the General Assembly Committee.

Board of Directors
The Board of Directors is composed by one President, two Vice-Presidents, one Secretary and one Treasurer.

Constitution of the Board of Directors
1. In general, it’s the Board of Directors duty to deliberate in any matters that aren’t the purview of other bodies of government.
2. It’s the Board’s responsibility to manage and represent the Society, particularly when it comes to:
a) Summoning a General Assembly Meeting;
b) Assure and direct the management, operation and administration of the Society;
c) Dispense disciplinary action;
d) Create a financial report of operations, and a budget for the following year, submitting those to the Financial Committee for review and General Assembly for deliberation.
3. The board of Directors may delegate some of its powers to members, and issue mandates for the execution of specific tasks, namely the constitution of committees.

Meetings of the Board of Directors

The Board of Directors meets, on a regular basis or special circumstances, whenever convened by the President.

Representation of the Board of Directors
1. The Society needs at least two undersigned members of the Board of Directors to open any Bank accounts.
2. For the management and daily usage of the bank account, one signature of a member of the Board of Directors will suffice.

Financial Committee
The Financial Committee is comprised of one President, one Secretary and one voting member.

1. The Financial Committee will:
a) Oversee deeds, books and documents of the Society:
b) Review financial reports;
c) Be present, without being able to vote, in meetings of the Board of Directors.
2. In fulfilling its duties, the Financial Committee may request whatever information it deems necessary from other Bodies of Government.

3. In fulfilling its duties, the Financial Committee may demand of the Board of Directors an outside audit into the finances of the Society.

Meetings of the Financial Committee
1. The Financial Committee may meet whenever necessary, and at least once a year.
2. A meeting of the Financial Committee may be summoned by its President, by the Presidents of the Board of Directors and Assembly General Committee, or by one fifth of all effective members in good standing.

Constitution of Committees

1. The Board of Directors may create Committees under number 3 of article 21 for specific tasks. Such Committees must be composed of at least three elements and five elements maximum.

2. A committee is fully autonomous within the rules set forth in its constitution except in matters of finance. Despite this, the Board of Directors has to approve any decisions and report them in meeting minutes.

3. The Board of Directors or the Assembly General has full power to constitute, replace or dismiss a committee.

4. If a committee does not fulfill its duties, it shall be dismissed by the Board of Directors.

5. It’s up to each newly elected body of government to decide whether or not to continue any member committees.



Awarding of “aip” acronym

1. The acronym “aip” is awarded to Cinematographers by their peers, for their career and body of work, in recognition of their professional and artistic achievements. The acronym may also be bestowed on those that the Society deems to have contributed to the art of Cinematography in excellent and dignified ways.

2. Awarding the acronym “aip” allows the member to sign with the letters “aip” after their name in credits for their work.

3. To be considered for evaluation for the “aip” acronym, the member must satisfy at least the following criteria:

a) To be a member of the Society for at least 5 years and be in good standing.

b) To score 100 points in the evaluation.

3. The scoring for each member up for considerations:

- Feature-film 25 points.
- Documentary 10 points.
- Short-Film 10 points-
- Original Narrative TV Series up to 10 episodes -10 points

- TV Series Cut-Down Narrative up to 10 episodes - 5 points

- Original Narrative TV Series of 10 episodes or more -15 points

- TV Series Cut-Down Narrative of 10 episodes or more - 10 points

- Docu-series up to 10 episodes - 5 points

- Docu-series of 10 episodes or more - 10 points

- For each year worked as a cinematographer (aip member or not) - 5 points

4. “Cut-Down” are series created from original feature-films with additional scenes produced to make a series. TV projects that are simply created by subdividing a feature film will count solely in its original format. In the case of series with multiple cinematographers, only episodes where the member up for evaluation is credited as Cinematographer will be considered.

5. Once the criteria and points are met, the member shall send his application with Resume and links to personal website to the aip awarding committee for evaluation.

6. Members may self apply or be referred for evaluation by other members aip.

7. The awarding of the acronym “aip” is given by committee every two years.

8. Exceptions to the evaluating criteria:

a) The aip awarding committee may appoint relevant personalities that have had an impact nationally or internationally.

b) Decisions myst be approved by simple majority vote in General Assembly. 

9. A member will lose the “aip” acronym if:

a) They so decide

b) Are expelled from the Society

10. The Acronym must be spelled in lower case aip without periods and be preceded by the name: E.g.: Manuel Barbosa aip.

11. A member may use the acronym in all their professional and promotional materials, as well as in the credits of their work.

12. A member bestowed with the acronym must honor its use according to the goals proposed by the Society.



The following is considered revenue of the Society:
a) Initiation fees and dues from its members;
b) Income from any assets;
c) Donations and grants allocated to the Society

Terms of the Bodies of Government
1. Terms for officials in bodies of government are of three years, the year in which they were elected shall count as a full year.
2. Notwithstanding the provisions in the previous paragraph, officials in bodies of government shall remain active until the election and taking office of new officials.
3. Reelection is allowed, once or more times, in all bodies of government.
4. Officials in bodies of government may be remunerated if their work is deemed complex or requires prolonged or exclusive presence of such official, and expenses incurred in the exercise of such activities maybe always be reimbursed..
5. Election for officials in the bodies of government will take place in the month of March of the last year of the term, and possession for newly elected official shall take place within fifteen days from the election.
6. No official shall have more than one role in one body of government.
7. If one body loses quorum for resignation or longterm absence of its members, or for any other reason, special elections shall be held.

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